ANKAFUL is the name of a village (a fishing community) in the Central Region of Ghana on the Atlantic coast.
The Association ANKAFUL was
in TOULOUSE in February 2001 by a group of specialised educators who
touched by the socio-economic difficulties faced by the inhabitants of
village, and the general developmental issues of countries in the South.
The Association needs help and goodwill from everyone in order to commence well with some developmental projects which aims to improve the standard of living and to reinforce the economic and the social autonomy of the inhabitants of ANKAFUL.
The idea came about after the
President of the association came into contact with the village of
its inhabitants – men, women, children, the youth, fishermen, farmers
and so
The lack of materials, technical and financial means impedes and halts local development and therefore exacerbate poverty, creating or maintaining social difficulties such as illiteracy, large families, unemployment among the youth with the risk of moving into juvenile delinquency, young single mothers experiencing difficulties just as their children – and therefore trapped in a vicious circle.
Nevertheless, the village possesses both the natural and human resources that are the basic fundaments for local development. Natural resources such as fishes from the sea, and other agricultural products, and the human resources such as knowledge and the desire to succeed. If all these resources are correctly put to use, it would allow everyone to have a decent standard of living and come out of the vicious socio-economic circle in which they are unfortunately trapped in.
The first projects will be directed towards material security in trying to respond to the economic needs of the villagers through adaptable and realistic solutions all by just respecting some simple rules:
The projects, adhering to the
principles of sustainable development, will be realized by integrating the
village community into activities concerning fishing, navigation, artistic
workshops, sharing of everyday activities such as fishing, farming, trading,
catering and other vocational works.
ANKAFUL president, Sylvie GURGUI, a few days before her departure for her one-year trip in Ghana, intending to set the basis and start the first projects. Here with SANKOFA president, Alfred OHENE-AKONOR. | ![]() |