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... but, as a start, for all travellers going to Ghana for quite a long period, here are two useful guides :Premiers Pas à Accra ('First steps in Accra', in French)
and No Worries (in English)
Claire Sellier, a french expatriate in Ghana, compiled with some compatriots lots of helpful and practical advice for everyday life of any francophone settler in Ghana : about 200 pages giving all information about formalities to be fulfilled when arriving in Ghana, accomodation, moving, getting organised in family, and even shopping !
Quite resourceful too, and regurlarly updated, the “No Worries – the Indispensable Insiders Guide to Ghana!”, published by members of the North American Womens Association (NAWA). To know the very latest check out "No More Worries" on line or purchase the book once you arrive in the country. It is available at upscale hotels and large supermarkets.